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Emails in both Firefox and Chrome lose table lines and color boxes.

boaterva 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Emails from TF with charge reports and trip reports work perfectly in iOS, but in webmail (Firefox and Chrome through a gmail account, same one in all case), the same email doesn't show the red/green colors in the web version and the lines of the table layout that works in the iOS/iPhone display.

I thought this was some content blocking perhaps for FF, but the same occurs in Chrome.  Any ideas?


Exclude negative wh/mi values from monthly averages

RCS 6 years ago 0

If data signal is lost on a return journey (e.g. when parking underground) then TeslaFi treats the entire journey as a single journey. If a charge has occurred in underground carpark TelsaFi shows this as a big negative efficiency-900 to -1000 wh/mi which then screws all average wh/mi figures that include these figures.

I don't want to have to delete these drive records so I would like the option to 'Exclude Negative readings' from Average calculations. The same option could be applied to any reading that might go negative, not just Wh/mi.

Many thanks for this great Tesla Tool!


How to combine two different locations?

krbabu 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2

Image 757

How do you combine the two different drive locations? They are actually the same location, as far as I am concerned.

James 6 years ago

Just delete one and increase the range of the other, if necessary.

The entries will automatically be reorganized.


Good Morning James - I am not seeing any logs at all for today, before this, it has been fine, I have also generated a new Token and changed password, any ideas? as not seeing anything in the calendar for today? Please?

Fazalgul@hotnail com 6 years ago 0

Good Morning James - I am not seeing any logs at all for today, before this, it has been fine, I have also generated a new Token and changed the password, any ideas? as not seeing anything in the calendar for today? Please? Hope no data has been lost


Raw data compression

groovyd 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2

I was wondering if you would please to add aggregation of large chunks of raw data that are identical from sample to sample, especially sleeping.  For example to take the entire overnight block of asleep states and display them as the date/time range of asleep, where the date/time field is something like 11/15/2018 6:32pm-10:01am.  This would make reviewing the raw data feed much more useful.  As it is the user must scan through pages of nothing to find what they are looking for.


more data displayed to compare routes

tranzndance 6 years ago 0

I have choices to take different paths to get to destinations, so I would like to compare time savings for different routes. There are a couple of places that kind of have what I would like to see. Could you please add more data to display on the following pages?

link to the drive
sort by addresses, time, miles, efficiency
show snapshot of the route

show how much time drive took



Links in Shared Drives

Andy Lathom 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

When a drive is shared and someone browses to the unique link created, the Edit Location links are still active and create a new window with the TeslaFi login page. Can these links please be disabled? On the other hand, there is no link added to the Google drive map (assuming that option was checked) - could this please be enabled with just the Google map data (since that should not require a TeslaFi login). Thank you!

Not a bug

Charge state end -- rounding down?

klynde 6 years ago updated by StefanSarzio 6 years ago 6

I've noticed that the last two times I have charged my Model 3, TeslaFi records my end SOC as 1% BELOW the level that was set.

For example, yesterday, I set the charge limit (in TeslaFi) to 55%, and it recorded the end charge SOC as 54%.  Today, I set it for 80% and it recorded 79%.  First time in hundreds of charge cycles (across two cars) that has happened,. One consequence is that I have seen a sudden spike improvement in the Battery Reoort, which I realize is probably the result of dividing the Ending range by a smaller End charge %.  Here are the numbers from the battery report:

Image 737


Turn off automatic billing

limberjack 6 years ago 0

Is there a way to turn off automatic billing? I'd subscribe if so.


Is there a way to capture data before I joined

SoulPedal 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2

From Tesla maybe? Late starter (didn't know about this forum, bummer), loving it! 

James 6 years ago
