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Battery Degradation Report Improvements

Black3GoVroom 3 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 0

It would be useful if on the Battery Degradation Report, a user could give a Start and End Mileage instead of a Start and End Date. This would be really useful to input an end Mileage that my vehicle has not gotten to yet, so the blue "My Battery Range" line would not extend past whatever my odometer reads. However, the green "Fleet Average Range" line would extend. This would allow me to understand what I can expect the trend of my battery to be as I drive more.


Could you tag on map where safety issues happen. ie hard breaking. Aggressive turning etc.

TheWis 3 years ago 0

I keep getting some hard breaking every now and then. But have no clue when or why.  Would love to see on map where it was.  To help figure out what happened then.  Many for the turns.   And I am not sure on each drive does it show anywhere if auto pilot or cruise control or FSD is engaged at the time? And or the % of time these are used for each drive?  Would be nice to look back and see.  I use autopilot 96% of the time.  


Add Enable/Disable Sleep to Schedules & Reminders

PPlusa 3 years ago 0

I took too long to get to my car and start driving when it woke up this afternoon, and it lost about 14 minutes of my drive home as a result "due to a sleep attempt in progress".

Possible solution:

Add "Enable Sleep Mode" and "Disable Sleep Mode" commands to the Schedules & Reminders command list. 

In my case, this would allow the vehicle to sleep during the day at work, then pause all sleep attempts around the time I'm leaving, and re-enable sleeping around the time when I get home.

As a work around, I can call the command=wake API in the afternoons at the same frequency as my sleep schedule - would just be nice to have it along side other schedules.


Fix the Latest Fleet Update Graph that goes with the data...

ECTO-1 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 1

You should put the graph back to match the data table.  Since the newest data is dated from the left, the graph should follow (meaning the left side should match the date field [newest]).  It will be easier to follow.  I have edited a snap shot of what I am describing.  Swap the graph display to match the data table


Add start/end date range to Road trip Odometer Graph

scottf200 3 years ago updated by fascenda 1 month ago 1

PLEASE add start date and end date to narrow down the scope of the graph.


Automatically filter unrealistic locations

gvirta 3 years ago 0

Twice in the last few months the car has lost GPS location for whatever reason and thought it was 1000+ miles away from where it started for a few minutes.  For example, this shows up on the map as taking a drive from Minneapolis to southern Alabama and back in roughly the space of 12-15 minutes.

It would be nice if TeslaFi could detect these GPS errors and handle them gracefully.  It's a fairly tedious process to step through each month, look at the map to see if anything's amiss, then step through each day in the month to find the offending drive.  Granted this isn't a super big deal, but it's obviously bad data and it would be good to handle it.



Add the Map view at the bottom to the Year Calendar page

Black3GoVroom 3 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 0

It would be great to have the Map view on the Year Calendar page at the bottom, just like it exists on the Month Calendar page. Thanks!


Feature request for a better readability

rim_light 3 years ago 0

I like teslafi very much and appreciate the work and effort you put into this product. I wish the columns would share the same width for even better readability. And yes, I know that this is not as easy as it seems on websites :)

Image 3946


Token input field should explicitly NOT be a password type field

rob kibler 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

Because the token field has the wrong type, every time I login, Lastpass asks me if I want to update the password. Please use the correct field type for two factor authentication.