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Recommended improvement to charge complete email information

csdonen@gmail com 3 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 0

Suggestion to improve your charge completed email report information.  After every charge, I have the charge complete email sent to me with the data from the latest charge. I like the information but I would also like to see the estimated range in the email as I end up looking for this manually online after each charge.


Red battery icon in supercharge overview

Frans928 3 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 1

In supercharge overview some charges have this red battery icon added for a specific charge.

What is the meaning of this icon?

Image 3684


Using the API to detect if the car is in a scheduled pre-heating mode.

TomLeitner 3 years ago 0


I'd like to implement the following scenario: My car is usually connected at home to my charger. Normally the charger is turned off, however, and only turned on for charging when the energy prices are cheap (yes, I have such a contract).

Now I want to detect, via the TeslaFI API when the car is conducting a scheduled heating of the passenger cabin and battery. In this case I'd like to turn on the charger to avoid that the battery is used for that.

So my question: how do I detect this from the TeslaFI API? I saw variables like "battery_heater" or "is_climate_on" but they doe not seem to be suitable for that. Battery_heater is not always on in the scenario I describe and "is_climate_on" is only on when the HVAC is turned on manually but not automatically in scheduled mode.

Any ideas anyone?

Thanks // Tom


Enable sentry mode only when connected to a charger.

marcuswahlstam 3 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 0

A function I would like is to be able to automatically enable sentry mode in certain locations (as you can now) but with the addition "Only if connected to a charger".


Tagget location should include a tag so drives automatically gets tagged with that tag

Allanbogild 3 years ago 0

I used tagged drives to tag work and privat drives, it would make so much sense to me if a tagged location could have a drive tag so everydrive to that located automatically would be tagged with the given tag


Alex skill update yet for uk ?

Thebig24fan 3 years ago updated by Pikey2 3 years ago 1

Any updates on the Alexa skill not available ? Would be fun to use but not essential with both apps being good . Thanks  


Model 3 Rear wheel drive

DustyRhodes 3 years ago 0

Bought our Model 3 Rear Wheel Drive a couple weeks ago.  But I don't see it listed in available cars in drop down menu. (understand rear wheel drive is a new name)  Is this new wording what would be considered Model 3 Standard Plus, or Model 3 Standard.  I selected the latter, but not sure.  


Drive External Temperature Question

SlothCroissant 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

Hey there Teslafi team,

Quick ask on Drive temperatures (specifically where it concerns Temperature Efficiency numbers) - Is the temp recorded at the start of a drive, the average of the entire drive, or something else?

Reason I ask - I live in the upper midwest. The external temp for the past few weeks has been below zero (sometimes very much so). But my garage is heated and sits around 40F-45F. Curious how the temp is recorded, and if that could be optimized (take the median value instead of mean, etc).

Reason I ask is that sometimes I see that my "outbound" drive from home has a significantly higher external temp than subsequent drives that start away from home in an unheated location.



Full throttle events & Cabin temp.

mikeMN2 3 years ago 0

Two questions:

1) Is there a way to see the number of full throttle events the car has experienced, (go pedal to the floor)?

2) How can I send a temperature = 81°F signal to the car when it's on the road & moving?  It doesn't seem to take this command after it's unplugged & away from home even though it seems like choosing the appropriate set of commands would allow for this.


Include MPU type in firmware version info

RareATX 3 years ago 0

I'm told that because I'm still running the original MPU for a 2017 (ie, I haven't upgraded the hardware) firmware updates for my 2017 Model S 75 with v3 autopilot hardware will be very few and far between and that 2021.24.25.1 is the latest and greatest. There isn't a safety score even available with this version of firmware. I wonder how many other cars there are with the latest autopilot hardware and 'old' MPU that might have the same or newer firmware than mine.