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v2 Tesla API Token Support Ending

James 3 years ago 0

In October 2020 Tesla changed to a new authentication system to generate tokens and link your Tesla.com account to your TeslaFi.com account.

In December 2020 TeslaFi sent emails and placed a dismissible notice when logging in to your account with a message encouraging users to generate a new token and link their accounts using Tesla's new authentication system.

For the past year these old tokens have continued to work and allow TeslaFi to obtain data from your vehicle but Tesla is slowly expiring the old tokens and users should generate a new Tesla API Token as soon as possible.

You can generate a new Tesla API Token and ensure your TeslaFi account can access data from your vehicle from the Settings menu in Settings->Tesla Account and selecting Generate My Token.  From here you can use one our web browser extensions or iOs/Andoid Apps to generate a token directly on Tesla's website.


Input travel charges

Heinz 3 years ago 0

Hi, where can I input travel charges. For example in germany wholesale chains offer charging for free. I would like to add a travel charge for example 50 cent/kWh and in case i use the free charging the savings should show added kwh times 50 cent. Thank you in advance for an answer.



Software Update Q

TeslafiBrian 3 years ago updated by Lee Sweet 3 years ago 3

Just wondering - I was struggling with the issue of not getting updates since Sept. Eventually I decided to be patient and let it happen when it happens. Along the way my wife's phone/key was acting up so I rebooted the car using the two roller wheels. Restored the functionality to her phone. As an unexpected benefit, the next day I received notice that an updated software was available to install! Cool. Not updated to the latest software, but at least it was something.

Went into Teslafi "Your Software Updates" page and noticed something strange. Teslafi indicated that it had been 31 days between discovery and installation! There was no indication anywhere (app, car, teslafi) that there was new software waiting to be installed during this period of time.

So I'm just wondering where the "31 days" information came from? Did the reboot clear up some logjam? Should I be rebooting on a regular basis?

BTW,  this is all driven by the addition of "waypoints" in the latest software release, I can't wait for that to be available.

thanks - love teslafi. I think I'm due for my annual renewal. Will that be handled automatically?


Date driven summary table

GForce100 3 years ago 0

Would be great if we could generate summary details similar to what you see at the top of the monthly calendar view (see below) but for it to be date driven. This way we could obtain summary details for any period - unless there's another way we can generate this information within TeslaFi.

Image 3408


Sleep Pattern Odd

TeslafiBrian 3 years ago updated by mike@ashton-moore com 3 years ago 4

Anyone experiencing short sleep patterns today? (After the server outage on Nov 19, 2021)

My MY (Vin 048xxx) 2021.32.22 has started sleeping for about 2 minutes, wakes up, then goes back to sleep for 2~ min, then wakes up, back to sleep, etc. etc. etc.

Image 3390



ngoulet6@videotron ca 3 years ago 0

Haven’t found it, so sorry if it’s there somewhere!

would be nice to be able to compare our lifetime wh/km to the fleet and other cars within my region.




show heat pump data

AgoRob 3 years ago 0


want to get more information about the heat pump in my TM3. For e.g. when does the heat pump start and for how long? The consumption during heating

Would it be possible?


Drive not recorded

ssticklen5@gmail com 3 years ago 0

I took a roughly 50-mile drive from 2:19pm to 3:33pm on 11/11/21. According to the raw data feed (attached) it was in deep sleep the whole time.Raw Data Feed



Starojim 3 years ago 0

Can you have a link that shows overall service status?