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do you plan to make ios/android app?

licong02@gmail com 8 years ago updated by cmarineau4831 4 months ago 143

Display vampire drain rate for my vehicle

mkolowich 8 years ago updated by AxJFbh8gp8G 8 months ago 31

Helping car owners to understand/estimate vampire drain would be a major help. This could be done in several ways:

  • with data display (I.e. when idle, display current vampire drain rate [lost range, in miles/day] in top status bar)
  • with graph (i.e. show bar graph of vampire drain rate [lost miles / day] for different connection states (connected, sleep, deep sleep))

Even more importantly, I think it would be a great service to run a regression, across the entire database, to discover exactly what influence each of the following has (if any) on vampire drain rate [lost miles / day]:

  • connection state (connected, sleep, deep sleep)
  • state of charge (current % charge level)
  • outside temperature
  • battery size (kWh max capacity)
  • car model (S, X, SP, XP, 3)
  • time since last charge

The results would help car owners understand exactly how to minimize vampire drain on their car, and to understand, for example, how much vampire drain to expect when, say, parking their car at the airport during a three-week vacation



James 8 years ago updated 5 months ago 614

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James 5 months ago


  • Added software version reviews and ratings to the Software Tracker and Your Software Updates pages:
    Image 5538
    Image 5539
    Image 5540

  • Added the ability to search by notes in the Drive Search & Download page.


  • Road trip maps were displaying excluded data points from drives.
  • The return to previous page link when editing locations was not working as expected.
  • Charge and drive detail pages next and previous links would allow for viewing drives/charges not yet performed.

Schedule a charge that finishes at a specific time

pjw65 7 years ago updated by Marty3SRplus 3 years ago 21 1 duplicate

I'd like to say that my car finishes charging at 7:00

I know, that you never know exactly, how fast even a constant charging will be.

But if I charge to less than 90% it should be possible to guess +/- 10 Minutes.

Thanks for all your effort.


A nice feature would be to add winter-/summer tires option. This way you can compare the efficiency of drives on summer versus winter tires.

stickybit 7 years ago updated by GForce100 1 year ago 29

A nice feature would be to add winter-/summer tires option. This way you can compare the efficiency of drives on summer versus winter tires.


Add Google Home support

Zaxxon41 6 years ago updated by James 1 year ago 32

Are there any plans to add Google Home support similar to the Alexa support?  This would be useful to me.


2 Factor authentication

Mirlen 8 years ago updated by Bronislav 1 year ago 36 1 duplicate

Would be nice to see the option for 2-Factor auth for the site, and should be very easy to implement...


Add different prices for charging at night

sacha81 7 years ago updated by lemassykoi 5 years ago 21

In some regions the prices for the electric power is different on the day and the night. It would be very helpful when it's possible to define a day-rate and a night-rate for charging. 

07:00-21:00 (07:00am - 9:00 pm) is 0.27$/kwh

21:00-07:00 (09:00pm - 07:00 pm) is 0.18$/kwh


Merge more than 2 drives

eBrain 7 years ago updated by Deitrix 1 year ago 19 3 duplicates


I´ve read that merging more than two drives is currently not supported. Is there a plan to change this in the future?

Would be great.




Speed efficiency

Veritas1980 8 years ago updated by vasvas 3 years ago 21

I was thinking it would be nice with a speed efficiency overview in the same way as with temperature. So within a certain interval we could what the average usage was:

100 - 110 km/h: 195 wh/km

110 - 120 km/h: 207 wh/km

Something like this.I would love to know how the energy usage against speed would look for my car.