Display vampire drain rate for my vehicle
Helping car owners to understand/estimate vampire drain would be a major help. This could be done in several ways:
- with data display (I.e. when idle, display current vampire drain rate [lost range, in miles/day] in top status bar)
- with graph (i.e. show bar graph of vampire drain rate [lost miles / day] for different connection states (connected, sleep, deep sleep))
Even more importantly, I think it would be a great service to run a regression, across the entire database, to discover exactly what influence each of the following has (if any) on vampire drain rate [lost miles / day]:
- connection state (connected, sleep, deep sleep)
- state of charge (current % charge level)
- outside temperature
- battery size (kWh max capacity)
- car model (S, X, SP, XP, 3)
- time since last charge
The results would help car owners understand exactly how to minimize vampire drain on their car, and to understand, for example, how much vampire drain to expect when, say, parking their car at the airport during a three-week vacation
Customer support service by UserEcho
Is this feature request still active? As a new user, I love TeslaFi, but what surprises me a bit is that this feature was already requested quite some time ago, and for as far as I see, there is only a daily stat on non-driving/phantom drain that we can access...
I see quite some animo for this topic, so would it be possible to add a "Phantom Drain" page, similar to the Charging and Driving pages, where we can deep-dive into some long-term phantom drain stats?
Think of:
- Phantom drain versus outside temp
- Phantom drain with/without Sentry mode on
- Phantom drain state buildup (idle, sleep, preconditioning etc.)
and many more :)
Thanks in advance!
I've only had my Model 3 for three weeks now, but I've learned there are just too many variables that impact your overall range - some you can control (heavy pedal, etc.), some you can't. As such, I decided there's really no way to track all this. What I do is track monthly charge costs, subtract out monthly drive costs (to calculate costs per mile) and the difference between these two figures is considered vehicle overhead (includes everything short of driving the car - sentry use, temperature adjustments, phantom drain, battery conditioning, etc. Overhead is currently running about 29.61% of total costs at this point...
Even more importantly, I think it would be a great service to run a regression, across the entire database, to discover exactly what influence each of the following has (if any) on vampire drain rate [lost miles / day]:
Sentry Mode
I've often thought that we are somewhat obfuscating non-driving drain when we look at our efficiency.
Generally, an ICE vehicle uses no fuel when parked and off. Our cars do. Since I run sentry and cabin cooling (in Florida), on a hot day, I lose about 10 miles of range while I am at work. Since my typical commute is 20 miles, that becomes significant. So our MPGe is likely pretty skewed particularly on shorter drives with long idle time.
I'd love to see a graphic over time that indicates (Total Energy Used)/(Miles Driven) or (Miles Driven)/(Total Energy Used)
I would like to see some more statistics on the phantom drain, like
More details on what is running and consuming power would be awesome!
> I see my M3 LR lose about 4-5kWh while at work: idling, Sentry On, etc.
4-5 kWh losses over 8 hours is quite a lot of energy: typical homes use about 20 kWh per day. I don't think you're being obsessive trying to reduce this type of waste.
I'd love to see something like this but I have to admit that when I go and look at vampire drain, I ask myself "Hey, am I just being obsessive here?" During moments when I am honest with myself, my answer is that yes, concerning myself about vampire drain is needless. It's a small loss that is there and doesn't cost very much $ nor impact the environment much but is something that I look at merely because I obsess about all thing Tesla. LOL
So, I put this feature request into the "Sure I'd love to see it category but is not the big picture." Tracking drive efficiency is altogether in another category.
For those of us that are concerned about vampire drain: we should all run around the house and make sure that every blind in the house is lowered before we leave the house to save that energy as well. LOL. I dare say that we don't do that because we cannot measure the losses when we leave the blinds up.
Bottom line: we like to chase vampire drain because we can.
Sorry for the long philosophical post. LOL.
Observing the lost km's between sleeping and not sleeping (idles) is cruxial. If the car cannot sleep the lost km's are hughes. There are too many reasons possible that your car won't sleep while it should. If it not sleeps it uses 210 W/u (model 3 LR) If it sleeps it uses about 14 W/u (model 3 LR). I agree that this last value is negligable and might laugh aboout it. But if the car is parked and it does not sleep you loose 210 W/u or 1.4 km/h or 0.9 m/h. This is many times also mentioned as "vampire drain". So I like to know the values. Too many Tesla's have been found already completely empty at the airport parking after a 3 week holiday not aware about what happened. LOL.
Very interesting. I've never had my vehicle not sleep unless I messed up.
Agreed, I wouldn't be laughing if I had my vehicle left for three weeks without being plugged in. I'm guessing that people are leaving sentry mode on while gone. This will for sure deplete the battery. Despite this statement, I believe that sentry mode will turn off (or it *should*) if the battery is ever depleted down to 20%. I'll note that people should check their cars via the app or some other method while away for such periods of time.
I see my M3 LR lose about 4-5kWh while at work: idling, Sentry On, etc.
So yes, people should check their car periodically when away for long periods of time.
Although I haven't checked it, I believe opening the App kicks the car out of sleep mode which is counter productive. It should however sleep afterwards.
I use TeslaFi which can monitor the car without waking it up from sleep but doesn't provide the SOC when it is passively monitoring the vehicle.
Update: Turns out my (original, 2015) 12V battery has been very low, and I think that contributed to the car's high vampire load over the past 9 months or so.
On December 26th I got the alert "12 volt battery requires service" in the driver's display panel. Five days later the car wouldn't take a charge, wouldn't drive (main display wouldn't turn on), and was losing 20 miles of range per day just sitting in the garage. (Connecting a 12V charger to the front battery access terminals didn't make any difference.) Tesla mobile service replaced the battery on January 2nd and all was happy again.
However, I've noticed it sleeps MUCH better now. So maybe the high vampire loads & insomnia my car was experiencing was mostly due to the high resistance load of a dying 12V battery? If so, request "12v battery stats please" may be pertinent.
Be nice to see updates to this please.
any updates planned in the near future here?
I have a simple request -- could you please roll up the totals on the monthly screen to include all vampire loses? Eg - total loss from parking, sleeping, sentry, battery warming, etc -- add it to each month total. Also include the timeframe - eg 12 days sleeping / 5.24kw loss. This would have allowed me to figure out five months ago my car wasn't sleep properly. I think this would be useful and really cool.
Update: We lost 22 miles of range while parked in the boonies for a week and barely made it to the closest charger.
We drove our 90D to Florence Lake campground in the Sierras, filling the battery at the closest Supercharger in Fresno. Left the car in the parking lot while camping for a week: no wifi, no cellular. Related settings:
Those 22 miles of lost range (started at 102 miles, down to 80 when we got back) works out to about 7.6 kWh (over 1 kWh/day) or an average of 45 watts. Why does the car consume 45 watts when it's sitting unused?
Q1: Should I have turned off Mobile Access? (Our phones didn't have any coverage, so I assumed it wouldn't matter.)
Q2: Could I have unhooked the 12V battery to eliminate vampire loads?
With only 80 miles of range we had a stressful 104 mile drive to the Fresno supercharger, but dropping 7000' in altitude made it possible with 23 miles of range to spare.
Need. It seems a mystery for the battery drain for telsa
I work in residential energy efficiency and would guess most Tesla owners would be astounded to find out how much energy these things consume when sitting idle in the garage if you have the "wrong" options enabled. I've only had the car for six weeks, but recorded standby losses over 400 watts (I installed a revenue grade meter inline with the charger to monitor total charge rates) before I figured out better settings. That's crazy bad -- like having an extra jacuzzi in the back yard.
Most owners will just look at their dashboard and say "295 watt hours/mile... great!" but will have no idea the real number may be over 400 when these standby losses are taken into account.
Your TeslaFi service is wonderful! Please provide more insight into this area of wasted energy, if possible.
I just faced this after having my 2018 Model S for 1 month. The in-drive avg. consumption is a fine 246Wh/km, however the real average including the real gross used electricity is 350Wh/km.
Huge disappointment to be honest...
Not true. When on standby the charger pulls 2 watts. There is a physical relay in the charger. The car is only connected when it is actively charging or running the HVAC, and your charger will animate the lights showing that. Power draw will then be in the kilowatts. I monitor power both via TeslaFi and a circuit meter inside the house.
Thanks for clarifying. I didn't mean to indicate the charger had a high vampire load -- it's the car. I leave the car in the garage for days at a time undriven, and can see from the meter I installed how much charging is required just to maintain the range.
You wrote earlier "I have 20-30 miles of range loss each day"... at 300 Wh/mile, I think 24 miles lost in 24 hours would equal "vampire loss" of 300 watts.
I'd like to see a graph showing actual miles driven vs. rated miles. This would help drivers determine actual battery mileage needed during colder months.
would be helpful to measure battery heating power
I think it would be great to graph idle time range loss (as shown each day in the right column) vs. temperature, similar to the drive efficiency vs temperature graph. I noticed that I have 20-30 miles of range loss each day but right now I can only see that clicking on each individual day. It would also be nice to see this number listed for each day on the calendar.
If this feature is implemented I'd like to be able to set a range of time to analyze - the behavior of my car over the past few weeks or months (or on the current firmware version) will be a better indication of what I can expect than the lifetime behavior.
I would like to see the average power during the sleep. KW-hr used during the sleep period / the sleep period in hours
Even the settings around sleep are someone convoluted... so much trial and error to see what works. Simplifying that in any way would be appreciated.
I'd also like the ability to tie vampire drain to specific builds. I'm envisioning some sort of pivot table functionality.
One source that I noted after cursing at my car for not going to sleep today as it heated up.. Cabin overheat protection. It seems that having this on wakes the car up when it hits 105F and it'll refuse to sleep during this period. I thought my wife was poking at my car all day keeping it awake. Then I realized I had this on, ran out and turned it off and the car fell right asleep. Just something to keep in mind if you turned that feature on.