Merge more than 2 drives
I´ve read that merging more than two drives is currently not supported. Is there a plan to change this in the future?
Would be great.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This is marked as completed? How do I merge more than two drives at the same time? It's kind of inconvenient to have to merge them individually. Would be nice if the merge drives screen allowed you to select more than one other drive to merge.
Unmerged drives can now be merged with previously merged drives allowing you to merge multiple drives together.
Can this be amended to add an auto-merge function. If the stop time and start time of 2 consecutive drives are within a configurable timer period (1-5 mins), then auto-merge the drives?
ie/ Everytime I leave my rural property, I need to stop, get out of the car, open the gate, drive, stop, close the gate and as such I end up with a ton of 1 minute drives. ( I posted this as the 3rd reply to this thread)
James: I tried what the feature briefly and it seemed to work just fine. It certainly provides what you intended to do, namely grab all of the relevant drives during a particular time period and summarize the results. Personally this may be more than sufficient to meet the needs (as you are pointing out).
I'm guessing that merging N drives together is a pain for you. I would be perfectly happy with this implementation as is. I also think it's great for you to save the road trip under a name and to tweak it readily.
+1 my friend!
From reading the majority of the comments for these requests it seems that the road trip search found at https://www.teslafi.com/roadTrip.php provides the overall combining of drive data that you're looking for. You can now search by date and time which will combine all drive data as well as a map and allow for saving of the road trip. The road trip saved link is also viewable in the calendar and can added to the daily view as well.
Let me know what everyone thinks. I can still look into a way to merge more drives but wanted to see if this was able to provide the information without altering multiple drives.
I would still would love to multiple merge just like multiple tag. I am a uber driver and it would greatly help my income calculations!
This is my biggest pain point as a Teslafi subscriber. I want to track, for example, efficiency on road trips, but it is counting the 2 minutes I pulled over to google my hotel as a stop, giving me useless information in the trip log.
I would be fine doing this manually as I don't do road trips that often, and when I do, I am willing to sanitize the trip segments manually. But right now a long trip is going to have half a dozen or more little stops that interfere with the logging. Just treat it as a few minutes of me driving 0 mph please. Thanks!
James: Any chance we can get an update on this item? I'm curious as to whether this is planned for implementation or not.
Would love this!
I drive every week to/from Oslo - Arvika (ca 3 h trip) and I stop halfway to do shopping and usually take a pee break sometime later. In TeslaFi now one trip is divided into 3 and I cannot merge them together. :(
A related feature: it'd be nice if there was a way to merge or group frequent outgoing trips with their return trips. For example, travelling to work in the morning and coming back in the evening, as long as I've not gone anywhere else in the meantime, could be "auto-merged" as a single "commute" trip. Maybe sequential trips with the same tag and less than 24 hours in total duration would trigger this behaviour?
I agree. Just saw this thread (there are two on this topic). The use case dealing with a long trip with multiple stops should be covered. For me, this is not a huge deal since I tend to look at overall stats but for the person who regularly does a particular long trip, it would be good to compare performance between individual instances of the trip. I don't think this is easy to do within TeslaFi. I suppose something could be done with tagging and merging the results outside of the tool but that's a workaround.
I agree completely. If I interpret this thread properly, if I go on a long drive with multiple stops (more than one), I cannot merge all of the drives (as delineated by putting the car into park) into one drive.
I hate to say it, but this is a major failing of the app. I can't see the total stats for a long drive if I can't merge multiple drives. I would really like to have this feature.
Yes please make this work. I want to merge more then one file. Want to overview a complete trip without the stops
Yup, they need better merging and splitting options. I want to be able to split a drive as well. Like several times I drove from point A to point B, dropped someone off there, and drove to point C. I want point B to show up in my destinations, and also want it to count as 2 drives instead of one long drive. I now know, every time I drop someone off, put the car in park for a bit, but would love to split earlier drives.
Can this be amended to add an auto-merge function. If the stop time and start time of 2 consecutive drives are within a configurable timer period (1-5 mins), then auto-merge the drives?
ie/ Everytime I leave my rural property, I need to stop, get out of the car, open the gate, drive, stop, close the gate and as such I end up with a ton of 1 minute drives.
I also need to merge more than two drives. More so, since the app slices up every trip I do just because I happen to put the car in park. Great app!
It's on the list and I've converted this into a feature request so it's tracked.