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[Feature Request] Make the web PWA

victorcpascua 2 years ago 0

Could be posible to make the web PWA, for add mobile pwa app support.


TeslaFi API for Microsoft Power BI

TeslaMike 2 years ago updated by Anubis 2 years ago 1

Is it possible to access my car's historical data through the TeslaFi API to get the data into Microsoft Power BI?

I would love to have some graphs and bars on a Power BI app on my phone.


iphone shortcut to send a text message with ETA to a recipient when I enter a certain address in the Tesla UI

Kade Ross 2 years ago 0

Much like this - https://support.teslafi.com/knowledge-bases/2/articles/14100-using-shortcuts-on-iphone-with-teslafi-sleep-mode

Expose the destination location to the API so one could script sending trip ETAs to a list of possible recipients when addresses were entered via the Tesla UI.

I select "Home" from my favorites in the Tesla UI

Kicks off an API call that pings my iphone

"Would you like to text the ETA to your wife"

Every different favorite could have an associated contact with it....


Wind direction and strength

Foz 2 years ago updated by James 2 years ago 0

Good day TeslaFi Guru's-

On the Drive pages, you show an icon with a measurement of wind speed.  Would it be possible to have the general direction indicated?  I also realize that the wind speed and direction would vary though the duration of the trip.  Ideally, the wind speed and direction could be shown as graphs, similar to what the elevation graph is per trip.  Weather history is available though a few different distributors, like https://www.wunderground.com/history.  I included a sample of how Weather Underground shows their forecast.  I believe this could be adapted per drive as well, say in 15 or 30 minute increments.  Thank you for a wonderful product regardless.  Love the telemetry.  Brad Foskett WUnderground Screenshot


What does the numbers before "Charger disconnected" mean?

gilfoyle 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2


I'm new to TeslaFi and trying to understand the three numbers below the "Charger Disconnected" sign at the top of the screen:

Image 5130

I assume the first (68%) one is the current SoC.

I assume that the second one (67%) is how much capacity can I use under the current cold weather conditions? I.e. I can only go down to 1% instead of 0%? Is that right?

But what does te /90% mean? :-)) Is that the battery degradation?

Thank you anyone for teaching me these basics. Thanks!


Can I access my data FOR TWO VECHILE

andrewTest 2 years ago 0



Export tirepressure

MarkusBPunkt 2 years ago 0


since somte time teslafi is storing data of tirepressure.

Unfortunately it is not includedwhen exporting the data.

Could you fix that please.



Service reminder auto prolong when marked completed

macmaniac 2 years ago 0

When tapping on “complete” next to a service reminder it’d be nice if it’d be prolonged for the set “time between reminders”. 


Service log including cost

macmaniac 2 years ago updated by James 2 years ago 2

I’ve done several service topics with my car like swapping wiper blades or cabin air filters. It’d be extremely handy to be able to add the cost for a service topic and have sums displayable on monthly or yearly basis.