2025 Tesla Commands Limit

Tesla will start to charge for each command sent on February 1st, 2025.

Starting February 1st, 2025, each TeslaFi account will include 500 command requests and 25 wake requests. Beginning March 1st or earlier, we will offer additional add-on packages for additional command requests and/or wake requests at our cost to Tesla for 50 additional wakes for $1 a month and/or 1,000 additional commands at $1/month.

Command and Wake counts will reset on the 1st of each month.

On February 1st, you can find live counts of each request in Settings -> Account ->Tesla API Usage(Tab).

Live Controls, Scheduling, Climate Presets, and TeslaFi API Usage:

Tesla has requested that the vehicle state should be verified before sending a command request and sending a command while the vehicle is sleeping will no longer wake the vehicle. When a command is requested through any of the means above, we will check to see if the vehicle is asleep or online through the vehicle list Fleet API endpoint. This is a free endpoint and does not interact with the vehicle but provides its online status.  

If the vehicle is awake, the command will be sent, and a usage added to the command count on your TeslaFi account.  

If the vehicle is asleep, TeslaFi will send a wake command and pause for 15 seconds before sending the command. A usage would be added to the command count and wake count.

If all 25 wake commands or additionally purchased wake commands are used before the end of the month and the vehicle is sleeping during the command request, the command will not be sent. A message will appear after attempting a live control, the schedules log will display a message, or the TeslaFi API history will contain a message.

Please refer to more detailed information on wake handling for the TeslaFi API at Settings ->TeslaFi API.

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