
Do you support multiple cars on one account?

naeblis 7 years ago updated by Jean-Gabriel Lord 3 years ago 19

if so how i can I tell which car is selected? 



Each TeslaFi account can only log one vehicle at a time.  In the settings page on TeslaFi you can select which vehicle you would like to log under the the Vehicles section.  The option to select which vehicle to log will only appear if you have more than one vehicle on your Tesla.com account.

I've seen those all before, and I do have my 2 accounts linked, but at the same time, I don't want to cross pollinate at all. I just want my first car data, and my second car data, but separate.  I don't own the first car anymore, so that car is "locked" so to speak, nothing has changed for it in over a year as it's no longer mine, I just like to be able look back at the trips I took etc.  I'd love to merge that into my current account, but have it be separate locations, separate drives, separate data etc.   Basically I'd like to have a pull down and see my old account, but not have it's data affect anything in the new account.  Since I'm no longer logging on the old car I wonder if this would be tough to implement.

EDIT. Wait, I think I get what you were trying to say, and I do already have my first car linked to my second account.  So can I cancel my first account now or will I lose everything?

+1 for multiple car support, trading in for a new tesla and now my data is bogus  - battery report is mixing up data from two cars.  This feature is a must.  Charge extra if you have multiple active, but the data inconsistencies for my old car is pretty ugly.


I ended up buying a second account just so I didn't cross pollinate.  I no longer own my old car but still have the account active at $50 a year.  I wish I could just lock it and keep my data (with the nice TeslaFi interface) but not have to pay so much to.

Can we at least get a smaller parking fee for people like me with cars no longer active?

Question along these lines.  I have 2 paid TeslaFi accounts (Fiver, and Fiver1) for two separate Tesla vehicles (so I can keep the data separate).   Now I've sold one of my Teslas, and data logging is turned off for the car linked to username Fiver, but I do want to keep that data without cross-pollinating it into my active account. Do I have to continue to pay for both accounts if I want to look back on that data? Can I deactivate it without losing the information?     I know I can download it in raw form, but like the interface of TeslaFi.  

The header at the top shows info for our X in both accounts, even though one account is logging the S and the other is logging the X. What's up with that?

Just changed to 2nd vehicle in my account and then saved settings but nothing changed,.. please advise.


Man, we really need this to make a multi-Tesla family more feasible.


+1 for multiple cars in a single account

+1 for multi-vehicle discount


It would be nice to have a discount for a second vehicle and have it in the same UI where you can select either one to show. 


agree for the discount in a first time for multiple cars ;)

Multiple car in the sale ui would be awesome too


I am trying to control the second Tesla in my account and my selection doesn’t take. I found the drop-down and selected the second car in it, but I can’t find any way to submit that. When I re-load the settings page, it flips back to the first car. Am I missing a submit button or doing something else wrong?

Do you see the Save Settings button at the bottom of the page?  It moves along with the screen when you scroll.

Does this mean that I would have to open a new TeslaFi account for my wife's car and pay an additional fee to access the logging function?


Yes.  It's a separate process running on the data logger server and separate database on the database server.


Each TeslaFi account can only log one vehicle at a time.  In the settings page on TeslaFi you can select which vehicle you would like to log under the the Vehicles section.  The option to select which vehicle to log will only appear if you have more than one vehicle on your Tesla.com account.


So, this was 4 years ago. Is there any progress on this topic? We might get a second Model 3 under my account so opening a second TeslaFi account is not really an option I guess? Also my main account does have a fair amount of credit I'd gladly also use for a second account/vehicle... Is anything in that direction planned? Other loggers (e.g. Tronity) offer a "pro" account for a higher monthly fee but supporting multiple vehicles. I don't really like Tronity and prefer TeslaFi much more so I'd like to see a solution.

do you have an update? I will be in the same situation soon. Thank you


Any more thought about a multi car discount?