Replacing a vehicle on with a new vehicle

If you are replacing a currently logged vehicle on you have a few choices:

  1. Create A New Account
    You can open a new account and choose the new vehicle name during signup. The new account does not need a different email address, only a new username.
    Open a support ticket and list your old username and the new username just created. We can then cancel your old account and transfer the subscription to your new account if you have a yearly subscription.
    You can also link your old account and new account by logging into the old account and selecting 'Create A Fleet Account' in Settings->Account->Vehicles Tab.
    Once the old account subscription is cancelled you can also mark the account to not be deleted in settings->account->advanced so it will remain open for viewing data in the future.
  2. Delete The Data From Your Previous Vehicle
    Select the new vehicle you want to log in Settings->Account->Vehicles Tab and press the 'Save' button to start logging the new vehicle.  Open a support ticket and request to have the data deleted from your previous vehicle.
  3. Combine Both Vehicles
    Select the new vehicle you want to log in Settings->Account->Vehicles Tab and press the 'Save' button to switch logging to the new vehicle.  TeslaFi will switch to logging the new vehicle and all reports and data will show both vehicles.

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