Very Basic Question

MarkRoderick 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

I joined TeslaFi as soon as I bought my Tesla, but I still can't figure out how to use it for the most basic information.

I just want to know my overall "mileage." That is, the total energy pulled from the grid and the total miles I've driven.

Can someone please help?

Thank you! I should have been able to figure that one out.

Go to Drives > Lifetime Map to see your overall energy consumption, mileage, Wh/Mile, and more.

Yes, I can see tons of data! I just can't figure out how to find the most basic information, i.e., energy in and miles driven, which could give me the average watt-hours per mile.

Do you have TeslaFi configured to log data from your car? Are you able to see data when you log in?