
Data Export default selection

B4sti4n 6 years ago updated by Kalx 8 months ago 2

When I open the Data Export page, currently the default selection is always January 2018.

I suggest to make the default the current month, or the previous month.

Also it shows all months and years since 2016 in the Dropdowns but I don't have data before March 2019. I suggest to only show months (if possible) and years with existing data.

Not sure if it was mentioned before, but it will be really helpful naming the export files something like:

YYYY-MM.csv or

YYYY.MM.csv or


for the purpose of view and selection sorting. The current format mYYYY.csv is not sorting friendly. The files are sorted by month, which for multiple years is not very helpful.

Also from user experience point of view it makes sense to choose year first (being on the left side) and then month (to the right).

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