
Retain Home kWh Cost for historical charges and apply new rate only for new charge sessions

agianfagna 6 years ago updated by greenfreak 3 years ago 5

When you update the Home kWh Cost under settings, it applies that rate to both past and future charges. It would be better if the rate entered applied to future charges only and did not affect charges in the past which may have had a different billing rate.  Furthermore, it would be handy if when applying a new rate that there was an option to retroactively apply it across a date range - for instance in my area I see what my delivery price per kWh at the end of the month.  It changes every now and then, but I only find out on my bill after the fact.

How does this affect "Charge Savings"?  If you update the home cost, does past charge savings (like at destination chargers) adjust as well?  Is there a way to "set" those charges so when we update our home kWh rate, it won't affect the past charges "saved"?


This was implemented a while back.  Before changing any rates you can press the "Set" button near the bottom of the page.  This will lock in the current rates to existing charges that have not been locked in previously.  Then you can adjust the rates and they will only be applied to new charges.  The process can be repeated each time the rates change.

That would be nice. I'd like to be able to sent my avg. pricing for 2019 but only for the charges occurred in 2019.

agree mine just went down but i don't want to change the past figures

Hur du anger din egen kostnad per kwh.