How is Total Cost calculated?
I'm looking at my monthly report and I'm not understanding how the Total Cost is calculated. How does it come to $61.66?
Since my supercharging is free shouldn't the Total Cost be $52.54?

Any chance this could be re-visited? It would be great if the trip cost could factor in at least the most recent charging stop. Even better would be if it could blend the cost of charging sessions together, over time. Say you fill up from 0-100% at a cost of $10, and then you use 30% of that on a drive, the cost of the drive would be $3, and the remaining "balance" in the car would be $7. Let's say you then went and charged 70-100% at a cost of $15 (peak Supercharging can be expensive), you'd have a "balance" of $22 at 100%, resulting in a $/% of 22 cents. You go on a drive and use 40%, which would cost you $8.80. Keeping track of a balance over time doesn't itself seem to tricky, but I can see it getting complicated when there are periods of time without data, or if a drive/charge isn't picked up by TeslaFi full-stop.
I don't have a home charger, and am completely reliant on public charging, which doesn't have a set price like if I had a home charger. To get an accurate cost/drive, I would need to somehow average all of my charging stops to get a rough cost/kWh to set as my home price. I've used Tronity for a non-Tesla, and it managed to do this perfectly.

I nearly always charge at a Tesla supercharger as I live in a condo. My average cost/kWh is $0.35.
Can I change my average cost to be $0.35 so the costs will more accurately reflect my costs?
Thanks, Awesome service. John

Would be nice to have this fixed, at least for defined/saved "road trips". I'm looking at a 10 day trip with almost exclusively supercharging, and it shows the total cost based on my home charging (???). Sort of makes that data point irrelevant (to the point it would be better not to show it than show something known to be wrong).

Total cost is simply the kWh used while driving multiplied by your home charging rate. It doesn't factor in kWh inputed from each source. It's something that may be added in the future but would be very complicated to get right since energy used during idling and sleeping would also have to be factored in.

So since I do not charge at home that would make the total cost figure inaccurate. Should the Total cost be calculated by adding only the charging sessions where you actually paid for charging be it a Supercharger, ChargPoint or home charging?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Total cost is simply the kWh used while driving multiplied by your home charging rate. It doesn't factor in kWh inputed from each source. It's something that may be added in the future but would be very complicated to get right since energy used during idling and sleeping would also have to be factored in.