
Does anyone think the UI could be improved?

epheterson 6 years ago updated by macmaniac 5 years ago 7

TeslaFi is great, and has tons of data, but it's a little hard on the eyes. I don't have many specific suggestions, but think a sit down with a UI designer could lead to some aesthetic improvements, the current UI is pretty basic and crude, essentially a bunch of tables and red backgrounds. The data itself is great, but the UI being so dispersed and distracting can make it hard to consume the data.

Absolutely. Love TeslaFi for all the information; Tables are IMHO OK but graphs could be so much better. So much potential!


There are so many good tools out there for displaying date in a nice way, without spending to much time to the visualisation. Like Grafana or the opsdashboard from Arcgis.

I like what teslafi can do - but it can be displayed a lot better than this - so it matches the quality of the data and the work of the creators.

The current design of Teslafi is the only reason I was shopping @ teslastics, teslaspy etc. to begin with. In the end Teslafi won on functionality, but it was a hard choice since I really don't like the esthetics.. The lack of a mobile layout also doesn't help. (Sorry @James). 
It should be easy to use an existing framework for the whole design. It would mean simply adding the current data to it. All functionality like table layout, graphs etc. would already be available from the framework.

Please, make it look beautiful - our Teslas are too!

I totally agree. Teslastics is more advanced in the UX part.

I haven't heard about Teslastics, but that's a great example of what this site could look like with essentially the same data. All else equal, if I had known about it before signing up for TeslaFi, I likely would've chosen Teslastics instead (it's even cheaper).

Since I already have my data here, would rather not leave but would still love a new skin! If there were some export/import mechanism I'd consider switching over UI alone.

Agree, so far UI seems to be the main advantage Teslastics is boasting over TeslaFi, would be nice to see this improved.