Please add the ability to manualy add a charge record.
In some underground car parks, connection with the car is lost and therefore record of a charge session is not transmitted. It would be great to be able to add a chrge record to keep records current
Customer support service by UserEcho
This has been added to Charges->Add A Charge. Please open a support ticket if any issues are found as there may be some edge cases that need to be addressed.
I, somewhat foolishly, signed up to Teslascope when I got my M3. More recently I’ve signed up to TeslaFI, which seems to me to be far superior. I would love to be able to import (or manually add) the 5 months of charge and driving data from Teslascope into TeslaFI.
I changed the MCU, thereby all settings were reset, including "allow remote access", thereby the drives and charges done in the meantime I realized, were not recorded, I would like to add them manually.
Yes indeed, it will be nice to have the option import via a CSV file.
I would also like to add my charging records prior to joining TeslaFi.
Would be nice to add charges.
the one before I became a Teslafi member and the ones missing due to a tesla token mismatch.
I frequently charge in the parking garage in my apartment building. I would absolutely love to be able to add my charges to my records or if teslafi sees that the car is back online with more charge than when it last saw it just assume it charged in that location.
Anything been done on this?
Frequently charging has been done in underground parking garages.
When the endpoint of a drive to the parking is not correctly registered and then charging is been done there, the drive after that will have a negative consumption, because of that all the values of that month and year are way off.
Please have something that we can manual add charging sessions or drives, or let it check automatically when charge level is more than 5% up after last stop.
I would also like to add my name to the list of people who want to be able to manually
add a charging record. I have records from before I became a TeslaFi
member and would like to add them. Please do this.
let me add my name to the list of people who want to be able to manually add a charging record. I have records from before I became a TeslaFi member and would like to add them. Please do this.
Lifton in Devon is a great SuC, but it's in a mobile/celluar deadspot. Missed two charges which I can't manually add. Bit of a hole in the solution I think.
I would like this feature too! For some reason the car missed a 10% destination charge (while online). It’d be nice to manually add it for record keeping.
There is also the tesla outage problem- the one in late September 2020 happened to coincide with a drive, charge, and then drive event for me (and of course the pen I use for manual records of charges was missing so I couldn't take notes so I had to eyeball things...).
My most common destination for work is an underground parking garage with a free charger. Because its free, I try to charge there as much as possible. Because it's underground, the car its offline and the charges don't get logged. As it stands now, I'm not able to get the full use of TeslaFi since I"m getting false data that doesn't include all the savings from free charges.
Yes, PLEASE add a way to manually input charges. Seems like it would be a simple to program.
Would live this. Had car offline last night. Did reboot and it's fine, but missed a 50kwh charge.
Seems if charge goes from x to x+50 then it could assume its a charge.
Any news on this please? It is starting to be a REAL pain not being able to manually add a charge record and is messing withoverall statistics in a BIG way.
Likewise.. would be good to be able to add a missing record.
I frequently charge in an underground car park and the car loses connection, hence no charging data.
Equally I guess it could notice that a charging session was missed if the Charge level goes up significantly for apparently no reason ??