
Index Map Cuts Off Drives Past Midnight

rfmurphy81 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 2

I recently had a drive that started at 11:50 pm which ended past midnight. It seems like the little map in the right column cuts off right at midnight while the remainder of the drive shows on the map for the next day.

To keep the reporting consistent, it seems like the site should either A) have the map match the drive history for the particular day, OR B) split drive records at midnight (like how you've recently done for sleep and idle).

Option B was something we spoke about months ago and I recall you thinking about gathering opinions once you open up access to more users. If the consensus is to have each day stop at midnight, you can probably just keep the same record number for any record types that go past midnight but just have the UI know to split it right at 11:59/midnight.



The daily summary map will now map all of the drive numbers that are contained in the current day being viewed vs all of the driving data points contained in the day being viewed like it was. It should be showing the way you expected it to work now but please let me know, I don't have any drives past midnight to see if it's working.

I don't like the idea of splitting drives at midnight so I think this is the best way to keep it. It would look very confusing splitting a drive in two and creating random ending/starting address's where the drive was split.

I think this sped up the query speed of that map as well. I noticed it has been hanging over the past few weeks while calculating the data points for the map.


The daily summary map will now map all of the drive numbers that are contained in the current day being viewed vs all of the driving data points contained in the day being viewed like it was. It should be showing the way you expected it to work now but please let me know, I don't have any drives past midnight to see if it's working.

I don't like the idea of splitting drives at midnight so I think this is the best way to keep it. It would look very confusing splitting a drive in two and creating random ending/starting address's where the drive was split.

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