
Auto-Tag with Auto-Note

tuna 7 years ago updated by indigex 4 months ago 1

Auto Tag is a superb option. It would be even better, if I could also add a auto note with that. I define my drive to worh with tag: "a" and note: "fza"; the way back with tag: "a" and note: "fnh". So the tag is the same, but the notes differ.

The original feature request here is a little hard to read, but adding a note with each auto-tagged drive would be a valuable feature. In the United States, I must have a log that states not just which drives are business related, but also the purpose of those drives. If we could automatically add a note like "Sales Call for Client" to drives between a work location and the client's location automatically, that would make my life much easier. 

It would be easy to add too. On the New Auto Tag pop-up, simply add a Note field underneath the Starting Location, Ending Location, and Tag fields. I would think it would be easy to code the back-end integration as well.