
What does "trying to sleep" really mean?

remlemasi 7 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

When I get a text saying "Tesla is trying to sleep," what is actually happening?

  1. Is TeslaFi simply stopping the data polling due to the 30 minute (default) idle timeout?
  2. Is my vehicle actually trying to going to sleep on its own and TeslaFi is just reporting it?

Followup question: If I get a "failure to sleep" message, will TeslaFi wait another 30 minutes (default) of idle time, then begin the same process once again, i.e. stop the data polling, allowing the Tesla to try to sleep? Does this continue indefinitely until the the Tesla has actually gone to sleep?




The following article should help explain it:  Enabling sleep settings to limit vampire loss.

Yes, TeslaFi stops polling in order to give the car time to sleep.  TeslaFi cannot put the car to sleep, only pause polling to let it go to sleep on it's own if it's ready.

If it does not go to sleep it will start counting the idle timer again and repeat the process.  You can see this here:  https://teslafi.com/data.php.



    The following article should help explain it:  Enabling sleep settings to limit vampire loss.

    Yes, TeslaFi stops polling in order to give the car time to sleep.  TeslaFi cannot put the car to sleep, only pause polling to let it go to sleep on it's own if it's ready.

    If it does not go to sleep it will start counting the idle timer again and repeat the process.  You can see this here:  https://teslafi.com/data.php.