Under review

Please can you make command and wake counts available via api?

BigTick2 2 weeks ago updated 2 weeks ago 4

Much of my interaction with both of my TeslaFi accounts is via the website, but I do also use the Home Assistant TeslaFi integration. This is so that (for instance) the car will only start to warm up in the morning if the hairdryer has been used (thus showing that it's a driving to work day). I will therefore use some of the command and wake counts each month.

It would be extremely useful if the command and wake counts could be made available via the API please so that there can be some warning if they're going to run out.

I am very inexpert in such things but couldn't find the counts in the response to the feed.php address so I don't think they're there yet.

Many thanks, Dave

Point proved that I don't know what I'm doing :)

Thanks very much for that. As per James' explanation, the information is available at the end of a command response. For example - from just now:


Feature already exists :)

OK - it's probably just that I don't know what I'm doing then. The end of mine a short while ago was



That is a data call, not a command.  

Under review

They should be at the end of every command response already.