Under review

Any plans for dynamic pricing? The recent API change doubled my subscription cost

rroberts007 3 weeks ago updated 3 weeks ago 2

I am only interested in data logging. I don't use commands or wakes. At $8/mo, I'm now not sure if this is worth it for me.

Under review

Included commands cost $0.50 from Tesla if a user were to use all of them.

We’ve taken into account that only about 25% of our users utilize commands, and a good percentage of those won’t use the entire included amount. Essentially, we could lower the price by $0.05 or so a month if we didn’t include commands.

Controls were not heavily factored into the new pricing. Our goal was to give everyone the option to send a few commands via scheduling or live controls without requiring them to purchase an add-on.

The vast majority of the new expenses are for data collection. We’ll still analyze everything in a few months once we’re invoiced by Tesla to see if we can adjust pricing and determine what yearly price we can offer.

I see! I skimmed through the email related to the increase and got the impression that it was largely due to commands/wakes, but I must have misinterpreted. I appreciate your quick reply. I'm curious if an option to change the polling rate would have any effect? (Although I realize this would probably complicate things quite a bit on the backend)