power produced from regenerative braking - is this data available via TeslaFi
Does TeslaFi track the power produced from regenerative braking during a trip? If so where can I find/download this data?
Customer support service by UserEcho
This will most likely be available in the future. Tesla has a LifetimeEnergyGainedRegen field in telemetry but it's not populating any data yet. Hopefully soon.
I don't believe so, but this data is available on your Tesla directly when connected via CANBUS (needs an adapter). I recently connected to mine and was shocked to see that I had regen'd roughly a third of all KWh used. I've used roughly 12k Kwh and had regenerated 4k kWh. That's with a good mix of interstate and city driving.
Thanks. Can this same data (you obtained via CANBUS) be accessed via APIs using Python?