Under review

Rivian account two-factor authentication

fletch 1 month ago updated by Phatman114 1 month ago 3

According to an email I just received from Rivian, they're going to start requiring two-factor authentication on all accounts soon (Dec. 13, 2024). Does ElectraFi support two-factor for Rivian accounts?

I don't know whether Rivian will forcibly end existing sessions, but even if they don't, once a session times out users won't be able to sign back in without two-factor support.


Under review

We have support for 2fa in settings->rivian account->authenticate button.

You shouldn't need to do it unless your token expires but it can be done at any time.

I keep getting messages about my Rivian Authentication code...  I can't think of another location this would be coming from, it doesn't seem to be causing issues with ElectraFi access, but I think it's coming from here?  I don't use this account for very much, it's a separate profile on my account for Electrafi access... 

Image 7063

Great, thanks for the quick reply. I didn't want to try and re-auth until I'd asked, for fear of losing the connection if two-factor support wasn't there.

I just enabled two-factor on the Rivian account, and successfully re-authenticated with Rivian from ElectraFi.

Under review

We have support for 2fa in settings->rivian account->authenticate button.

You shouldn't need to do it unless your token expires but it can be done at any time.