Under review
With Tesla new API pricing, how much will TeslaFi go up per year
Now that Tesla announced API pricing, sounds like it will cost the average user $10-$50/month accessing Tesla's API. Any guess what TeslaFi will be increasing their rates to cover for that?
Customer support service by UserEcho
$96/year is a bit much for those of us that are only interested in passive data collection. I find the data provided to be interesting but not overly useful from a practical standpoint. I am not interested in sending commands or waking the vehicle outside of the Tesla app. I suspect that the 75% of your users that do not send commands feel similar. I have 3 vehicles and thought $50/year per vehicle was pushing the boundaries of justification.
That said, I intend to ride this out for a few months hoping that you can offer a lower yearly rate before summer. I very much enjoy seeing my drive and charge history so fingers crossed you figure something out.
Could there be a cheaper option that does not include any commands sent to the vehicle, just the Fleet streaming data?
I almost entirely use Teslafi as a passive data logging app. Any commands or waking of the car I use my mobile app. If that could reduce the cost a few bucks a month, and especially adding up over a year, I think that might be a nice option to offer. We could always purchase a pay per use bucket of commands if we find one month we want to automate or test something.
Unless I'm not understanding that the commands and wakes are.... it sounds like general logging can be done completely passive with the fleet streaming data...
Included commands cost $0.50 from Tesla if a user were to use all of them.
We’ve taken into account that only about 25% of our users utilize commands, and a good percentage of those won’t use the entire included amount. Essentially, we could lower the price by $0.05 or so a month if we didn’t include commands.
Controls were not heavily factored into the new pricing. Our goal was to give everyone the option to send a few commands via scheduling or live controls without requiring them to purchase an add-on.
The vast majority of the new expenses are for data collection. We’ll still analyze everything in a few months once we’re invoiced by Tesla to see if we can adjust pricing and determine what yearly price we can offer.
Thanks for the update! Appreciate you've kept the price what it has been for all those years. Always look forward to more insight and data from the car and drives, and I'm sure you guys will provide anything extra the API provides as time goes :)
Thanks for the clarification.
Same...only use it for info, not commands.
We are still determining what the new price will be. When Tesla announced the new pricing, it was clear that we have to raise pricing, but until we get more users on Telemetry, it's hard to determine what the cost will need to be. This is due to their pricing being pay-per-use and not a flat fee per vehicle.
We will send out emails to users with the price change in the next week or two. At this point, we think we can lower the price below $9.99.
Thanks for your support.
Seems like 9.99 a month now
I'm curious also.