Notification of tire rotation / wear check like tire pressure

scottf200 2 weeks ago updated by James 2 weeks ago 0

I've seen several instances of excess tire wear (often inside edge) even on reasonably aligned Tesla cars (some related to ride height).

TeslaFI knows the milage of the cars and on this tire page you know the mileage at the beginning of each set of tire (https://www.teslafi.com/tires.php#skeletabsPanel1) ... Tesla's ain't page recommends tire rotation (and checking) every 6,250 miles (10,000 km).

Just like you have a notification option for low tire pressure can you do a notification on tire rotation based on 6250 (or user inputted number?).  This would be awesome and add to the safety.  I've seen inner tire area worn thru so some steel belts can be seen (or tire leaks air or tire blows).

Tesla Tire rotation page: https://www.tesla.com/support/vehicle-maintenance#:~:text=We%20recommend%20rotating%20your%20tires,require%20more%20frequent%20tire%20service.