Under review

Charge: add a tag

mvuilleumier 7 years ago updated by tuna 7 years ago 3

Dear Support,

TeslaFi is very usefull and as a former user of TeslaLog, I appreciated the functionnalities you already

already implemented.

Nevertheless, I would like to suggest to add one more: like for the Drive, having the possibility to tag a charge. In that case, adding also a possibility to filter (additionnaly to the date range) according this tag. This could be helpfull to have a monthly summary for a location for example.

Thanks and kind regards.

Also notes should be added as for drives it is possible already.

Ofcourse an Excel/CSV-Download is also necessary.

Thanks a lot, it´s a great app.

So far I used TeslaLog and LinkMyTesla. LinkMyTesla has a better usability due to less information about the car and drives. Less information on the screen gives a more tidied up look.

Concerning Charges it is a little in front as long there are no tags and notes for charges on TeslaFi.

In a summary I find TeslaFi the best webApp for the car among this three compared.

Under review


Thank you for the email.  I have converted this into a feature request.

