
Sharing current location

guleyupo 1 year ago updated 12 months ago 3

I see that you can share an existing drive by creating a public link. Similarly it would be great to have a temporary link that you can share with people so they can track you on the map. Obvious use case is when you will meet people and don't want to constanly tell them where you are. The link would expire after a certain pre-set date/time.


We actually had this started a few years ago but never completed.  It's now live in settings->share my location.  We'll update it in the next week or so to make it easier to share the link.

Yes, it would be great to improve the usability. In a pinch when you are trying to share location (like to say, sorry kid I am late to pick you up, here I am) it takes 4 clicks and typing of a share name and then another click to copy the url. All this is hard to do on mobile device browser. At tle least the share name can be pre-filled with a default.

I suggest a single button on the home page that, when clicked, creates a location share for one hour and copies the link, making it ready to be pasted in another app. 


It would be super nice to be able to trigger this by API, so i can do this with one button in an iOS shortcut, receive the link and forward it to another person