Under review

E-mail supercharger invoices PDF

Richie B2B 2 years ago updated by alan 2 months ago 3

Since TeslaFi already downloads the supercharger invoices and Tesla has no invoice notification at all, it would be great if TeslaFi can send the invoice PDF to the E-mail address(es) set in TeslaFi for notification.

emailling them would be a big help so I don't have to go fetch them one-by-one; a bulk download of selected invoices would work too, but emailling would be preferred


For European customers this is a much needed feature, because we need the invoices with the VAT ID, for some reason we can only get these invoices on the Tesla app, so this would be a very good feature for TeslaFi. TeslaFi should also extract the premium connectivity invoices and email them too.

Under review