
Solar version of TeslaFi to track solar panels/roof and Powerwalls

N1 2 years ago updated by vpgarba2 1 year ago 1

As a TeslaFi subscriber for about three years I appreciate the tracked data and the constant improvements to the program.

I've just installed Tesla solar panels and Powerwalls and it would be nice to rely on TeslaFi for the same type of data analysis as I've used for my Tesla vehicles. It's my understanding that there is a Tesla Energy API that would support this new branch of TeslaFi.

Please don't leave me to the pain of creating my own personal spreadsheet that would pale in comparison to TeslaFi.

If you haven't subscribed to TeslaFi feel free to use my Referral Code which is N1 to get a one month trial instead of two weeks.

I see Tesla is opening up the API for solar now.