
Ability to update electricity prices via api

Lindhardsen2020 2 years ago updated by stevil 8 months ago 2

At least where I live in Europe, we have electricity prices that changes by the hour, and it would be great if Teslafi could read "my" prices by the hour (updated every day at 13:00 fro the upcoming day), and calculate my "ful costs" based on the actual cost of electricity. 

With the current uncertainty and Ukranian war going on in our vicinity, cost can differ from 1 cent and our to a dollar from 1 hour to the other, or from one day to the other. 

I do understand that there is not 1 API that will cover all countries, but at least for Sweden and other countries these prices can be fetched Nordpool, or from Tibber: https://developer.tibber.com/

This would really add great benefit to the "Cost" feature in Teslafi.

If help is needed with the API integration, I can offer my help.

I'd suggest something slightly different where teslafi exposes the cost element via their own API. At least then we have the option of having a process in the middle to pull costs from our chosen API (nordpool or your energy provider) then update them in teslafi on whatever frequency it changes.

Yes i missing the cost too !!!

"This would really add great benefit to the "Cost" feature in Teslafi."