Please add "kWh used" for CCS Charging

fosgate 3 years ago 0


i saw that there is no "kWh used" for CCS Charging.

In the overview of the AC Chargings there is the information of "kWh added" and "kWh used".

The cost or savings are calculated from "kWh used", what is clear for me.

But when I look into the CCS Chargings, there is NO "kWh used". I only can see the "kWh added" in the overview.

The savings (in my example) € 20,46 has to calculated from the "kWh used" (76,51 kWh) because my cost are

€ 0,26741/kWh

Can you tell me, why you don´t put the "kWh used" for CCD Charging in TeslaFi?

Thank you & regards


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