
Add road trip ending in Odometer Graph

gian36 3 years ago updated by fascenda 2 months ago 2

Add the option to visualize the ending of a created road trip in the Odometer Graph. At this moment there is just a line at the date we mark the start of the road trip. It would be nice if there was a second line marking the end date of the road trip and in between those lines it would be colored. That way, we could see which portions of the Odometer Graph were filled during the different road trips we marked. In the attached image, there is an example of how it could look.

Image 3332

I just discovered this chart, and having a 4-month old car with two long road trips, it's a great feature.  Minor problem the default is start road trip at 00:00 and end at 23:59, if it's a one-day trip that just gives you a line.  Either way the first day of your road trip doesn't get shaded. I had to change start time to date-1 at 23:59 to get a "nice looking" road trip shading.  It would be good if it could do this for us (subtract 1 minute from the start time or something like that).  Otherwise this looks great.


This has been added.  Thanks