
Gas price history for gas savings calculations

LuckyP62 4 years ago updated by James 2 years ago 2

With gas price fluctuations, it would be nice to have calculations based on historical data

e.g. whenever I enter a new gas price, all calculations going forward use the new rate, while prior use the last rate and so on. There could also be an over-ride to allow for all historical data to be recalculated with the new rate (the way it works now). 


Feature Request Keep Gas Price History:

  • When the gas cost is changed in Settings->Account->Gas Savings the prior price will be saved to a new Wayback Machine within TeslaFi. All gas savings will be calculated based on prior entries in the Wayback Machine for the matching dates between entries and current drives will be calculated on the current gas cost price in settings.
    Image 4921
  • Hovering over a gas savings will display the gas price used to calculate the savings.
    Image 4922
  • Gas prices can be added/edited/deleted at any point in the Wayback Machine in Settings->Wayback Machine. The Wayback Machine will be used for more features in the future.
    Image 4923

This would be a very welcome feature.  Historically, I compared my M3 to premium of $3/gallon but lately, it's much closer to $4.50/gallon