
New Tesla API - will Teslafi stop to funktion?

oscfor 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

Tesla has stopped renewing tokens for v2 API. Will there be v3 support in the near future?




TeslaFi has supported the v3 tokens since Dec 2nd.  All new tokens generated after that point are v3 tokens.

You can verify your token version by viewing Settings-Tesla Account where it will list the version near the top.

If you have a v2 token you'll want to generate a new token before your token expires so TeslaFi can refresh the token when needed as it's no longer possible to refresh the v2 tokens.

Emails are going to start going out today for users with v2 tokens close to expiring with a notice that a new token should be generated soon.


Thanks for the information and being up to date! I have now refreshed my tokens!



TeslaFi has supported the v3 tokens since Dec 2nd.  All new tokens generated after that point are v3 tokens.

You can verify your token version by viewing Settings-Tesla Account where it will list the version near the top.

If you have a v2 token you'll want to generate a new token before your token expires so TeslaFi can refresh the token when needed as it's no longer possible to refresh the v2 tokens.

Emails are going to start going out today for users with v2 tokens close to expiring with a notice that a new token should be generated soon.
