This morning I had a scheduled charge_start that didn't run due to could_not_wake_buses. Is there anything I could do about this? Should I send a wake_up 10 minuttes before?
kind regards, Erik

hi James, this week I've had this error again, this morning and yesterday. Same as Jyggy, I have "run once" on the schedule - could that be the problem?
kind regards, Erik

I know this is an old thread. But I had this problem today.
Tried schedules charging for the first time and it failed with this error.
Had it sat to “run once”
What should I have done differently ?

I have a new version of the schedules ready to test if you would like to try it. The new version will attempt the command until it receives a true response from the API for up to 5 minutes.
If you would like to run this new version before I release it please email me at support@teslafi.com with your username or car id.

I'm guessing this new version is out now? I received a similar error this morning:
Subject: Stop HVAC command not received by <car name>
Body: Reason given (if any): could_not_wake_buses

Yes. Did it resend the command a minute later? Also did you receive another email saying the command was received?

Yes, you are correct. It did send the command 1 minute later AND I did get another email saying it was successful.
Sorry that I missed that as I have 'successful' email sent to my trash where they stay for 30 days so I can go back and review them just like this scenario.

I will have a new version of the schedules coming out this week which will take care of this. It will attempt the schedules for up to 5 minutes until it received a 'true' response. In the meantime a wake command ahead of time won't hurt anything and should solve it.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I will have a new version of the schedules coming out this week which will take care of this. It will attempt the schedules for up to 5 minutes until it received a 'true' response. In the meantime a wake command ahead of time won't hurt anything and should solve it.