
Notifications Not Received via Email-to-SMS Relay (T-Mobile)

rfmurphy81 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 16

I noticed that I wasn't receiving SMS notifications then realized that checkbox wasn't checked (even though I had the email address filled out). Even after checking the box, I'm still not receiving SMS notifications. I had tested an email to myself and got a text I believe you sent earlier at 4:42 PM but haven't seen anything since then even though my vehicle has had two sleep sessions started. Is there a defect with the site sending these emails out?

I also have the standard email notification set up so I'm not sure if you've set up the site to only send one notification and not both.

Oh, actually, I just looked at my settings and see that it's turned on but I haven't been getting any texts for weeks. 

I don't get it.  Other carriers are going out fine.

Let me turn email-to-SMS back on and check it out tomorrow.

I added a submit button to the link for all T-Mobile users a few weeks ago.  Are you receiving text messages for sleep attempts?

Isn't this technically still an issue with T-Mobile because the link is checked by them before it gets forwarded to me via SMS? I recall you disabling my SMS notifications on the site because of this, but I wasn't sure if any other changes had been made. Would it make sense to disable sending the link for T-Mobile only? It's probably too sloppy of a solution, right?


Is this one all set now?

It seems like I'm only receiving the second notification. I did receive the first one but only that first day, I think.

Are you receiving the notifications? I haven't received any bounce backs so hopefully that's a good sign.

They should be sending out again. Let me know if you receive anything.

I woke my car up last night after receiving the above message but didn't receive a notification. Not sure if you got the reply I sent via email to the ticket. Thanks for continuing to look into it.

Looks like I broke something. Now I'm not receiving any text messages. I'll take a look tonight.

I just tried changing the reverse dns of the server ip. That may solve it according to some google searches. It could take a few hours to propagate though.

Just received this for the first time-

Action: failed
Final-Recipient: rfc822;XXXXXXXXXX@tmomail.net
Status: 5.0.0
Remote-MTA: dns; d79033a.ess.barracudanetworks.com
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 permanent failure for one or more recipients (XXXXXXXXXX@tmomail.net:blocked)

I added a subject to the emails. Let me know if you start receiving anything.

I'm getting the emails from TeslaFi (in a simpler format). I was also getting emails sent directly to my T-Mobile email-to-SMS address so I'm not sure why the two aren't connecting. Are any other T-Mobile users able to get theirs to work? Perhaps there's something else at play? Maybe the message should be in the subject instead of the body?

Under review

I'm guessing it's some sort of issue with tmobile. Maybe the way the emails are formatted. I'm receiving emails, and texts to verizon without issue.

I'm going to change your tmobile email address in the settings to your normal email address. You should receive two emails to your gmail address during sleep attempts. Please let me know if that is correct.



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