Not a bug

Battery usage percentage sometimes is wrong

StefanSarzio 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 3

Today my last two drives are logged as:

1%, 0.93 kWh

2%, 0.92 kWh

I think it doesn't make sense that the first percentage is lower while the kWh are slightly higher.


Not a bug

The battery percentage is rounded to a whole number somehow and has an accuracy of .9%. The kWh is calculated through rated miles used which has an accuracy of .1 miles and a scale of 200-300 miles. Plus the kWh used is rounded.

For example:

89.9% - 91.1% could be reported by the API as 89% - 91%. 1.2% really used - 2% reported by the api.

89.6% - 90.9% could be reported by the API as 89% - 90%. 1.3% really used - 1% reported by the api.

How about now using Teslas battery percentage (which is heavily rounded as you state) but your own calculations based on the rated miles at 100% (individual car factor) and the rated miles used for this drive. Like you do for the kWh, if I got that correct.

This way the value would be more exact and would be in line with the kWh.

I converted this into a feature request. Thanks

Not a bug

The battery percentage is rounded to a whole number somehow and has an accuracy of .9%. The kWh is calculated through rated miles used which has an accuracy of .1 miles and a scale of 200-300 miles. Plus the kWh used is rounded.

For example:

89.9% - 91.1% could be reported by the API as 89% - 91%. 1.2% really used - 2% reported by the api.

89.6% - 90.9% could be reported by the API as 89% - 90%. 1.3% really used - 1% reported by the api.

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