Schedule a charge that finishes at a specific time
I'd like to say that my car finishes charging at 7:00
I know, that you never know exactly, how fast even a constant charging will be.
But if I charge to less than 90% it should be possible to guess +/- 10 Minutes.
Thanks for all your effort.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I have been looking for a way to control charging, preferably with conditioning/climate control at a departure time. The Tesla app comes close, but assumes I want to be fully charged every morning; but since my low rate starts at midnight, it costs almost twice as much to start early, so I'd really like an option to always wait until midnight to even calculate how long it will take to charge. There really is no way to reliably accomplish this now, not to mention the schedule is too inflexible, assuming a M-F or 7 day schedule.
Could you revisit this? My request is very simple: I'd like to stop charging at a fixed time, (in may case 1500).
This seems like something that could be added to the schedule and notifications page.
thasnk for your fantastic product!
This feature was added recently by Tesla.
But it was badly implemented by Tesla!
I'd like to say that my car finishes charging at 7:00
But Tesla finishes charging at 5:30 !
That is because Tesla thinks everywhere on the world power high prices start at 6 am.
I believe that this feature is under development by Tesla. Perhaps once this is done by them TeslaFi can leverage it.
I guess this is irrelevant now that the cars have this feature built in?
Not entirely due to the 6 AM cut off.
See my earlier (upvoted) comment to do majority of the charging at the start of Off Peak and only the last e.g. 10% prior to departure. This ensures that majority of charging is done if there is a subsequent power cut.
The only reason I am aware of for charging just before departure is to warm battery (in Winter) to reduce regen and IME charging for an hour, in winter, achieves that for me.
There is another ticket for this:
(This one earlier I think, that one more votes ...)
I achieve part (A) by having a scheduled task to Stop Charging at 07:00AM. If car SOC was very low (my off peak is Midnght-07:00AM) then I will have 70%+ by then, which is fine, the following night I will get back up to 90%
If I am going somewhere "tomorrow" and SOC was low I need to remember to override this - typically I just charge Peak Rate the evening before. (If I return home below 25% I charge immediately anyway - so I don't leave the battery parked at low SOC).
I also have scheduled task to change SOC to 80% at Midnight, and change to 90% an hour before departure (so 06:00AM for your end of Off Peak) and then another to start charging. That gets me the "one hour charge before departure" to warm battery in winter.
I prefer this to "Start charge based on finish time" in case of power cut. I want to charge "most of requirement" as early as possible, and last 10% to get battery warming etc. (I still have limited Regen in Winter; Battery heater rarely actually comes on, unless very cold (for UK), but its for shorter period of driving than no charging before departure)
But would be nicer if there was a Task Option to finish at given time, or complete "last 10% of charge" at given time, and for "Charge before departure" as distinct from "Charge before end of Off peak" might as well offer Climate-On for the last N-minutes because that would save having to set up a separate task. My "condition car for departure" is 5 or 6 individual tasks and if I want to change anything I have to carefully change the time of all of them, so they remain synchronised.
where's the replies to this, I am a new user and wondering why it shut my scheduled charge cycle off last night when it went to sleep :-/
So, you would have to think about ambient temperatures. Charging 20% of the battery when it's -20c takes 1 hour longer. So this feature would have to compensate for that !
I can't confirm that claim as it has never gotten that cold where I live in the 3 years I've had the car, and I live in the high desert of Nevada. That's -4F. The coldest it has ever gotten here is +8 F and on that day the car took an extra 15 minutes to charge from 16% to 90% level. It looks like that extra time was due to the battery heater coming on to warm the battery.
Maybe it is true that an extra drop of 12 degrees would take another 45 minutes to charge on my car, but if it is, then I assume it would be easy to factor that information into the charging time by reading the car temperature during charging.
FWIW this is a built-in feature on the Volt (from 2012!), and I was very surprised to see the 3 does not have it. Having this supported by TeslaFi would be the next best thing!
As an alternative, just allowing the same "When battery is below __%" conditional to the Start Charging command would allow end users to hack up something pretty close with dozen rules. I'm now having to schedule my charging through TeslaFi, as v9 now only has half-hour increments and I have to offset 3 different EVs to start charging without getting the voltage-dip detected cutback.
This seems to be a similar request as from Wayner a couple months earlier.
Was hard to find: https://support.teslafi.com/communities/1/topics/1294-set-charging-end-time
We have Time of Use Electricity overnight (Midnight to 7AM) so i always want to take advantage of this, and because of risk of powercut I would prefer to start charging "as early as possible", but in Winter finishing last 10% just before "departure time" will mean that battery is warmed and I have full regen (and no" energy cost" of running battery heater whilst driving).
Also if I want to depart with 100% then I would like the last 10% charge to be just before I leave so the car doesn't sit at 100% - in Winter that's the same thing of course: warming the battery before departure.
So my suggestion would be charge to desired level, less 10%, at earliest time (taking into account Time-of-Use cost) and then charge the final 10% just-in-time for departure.
I didn't see this originally and posted a similar request:
FWIW I am now simulating this:
If Location=HOME and Connected:
11:55PM Change Charge Limit to 80%
(12:00 My car's scheduled [Off peak] charge will start)
04:30AM Change Charge Limit to 90%
04:35AM Start charging (may still be charging if SOC was low enough)
Last 10% takes a little over an hour for me. I leave at about 05:45AM
If there is powercut / some other problem at 04:00+ then I have the earlier 80% charge at least.
When I need to charge to 100% I have to remember to disable these tasks :( and change the timings for Winter/Summer Daylight Saving (my Off Peak does not change, so all schedules have to be changed by one hour :( )
I think you option is much better. I hope they provide this feature.
I have seen this feature in other similar products (but have not used any). In my use case I charge to 80% daily and would prefer it finishes around 6am. So most of the time it would start around 4am but I currently just have it set to start at around 1am just in case. This is not a big deal and I only really think about it when I am about to go on a trip. They say that when you are going on a trip you may want to charge to 100% but you should plan to leave shortly after it reaches the 100% full charge. My point is that whatever I set my charge limit too it would be nice to set a end time instead of start time. Is this being considered?
It would be just fine for me to take the guess of the Car (API call "Time To Full Charge", which is actually the time to the planned percent, i.e. 1.92 hours ).