
Controls do not work in Firefox

James 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 12 1 duplicate
Duplicates 1

Super, it works for Mozilla Firefox 56.0 and 57.0.1

Thank you.

That seems to have fixed it for me.   I did a straight change and then adjusted other settings and every command is accurate.    Thanks!   Sorry for the extra work!   

I got rid of a bit of code that might be upsetting firefox.  Can you try again?

Mozilla Firefox for Linux Mint 56.0 (64-Bit)

Mozilla Firefox for Linux Mint 57.0.1 (64-Bit)

not working (only set charge limit works).

I think I found the issue.  Can you try again?


Under review

Mozilla Firefox for Linux Mint 56.0 (64-Bit)

Set Charge Level is working:

Sending command......Set charge limit to 80 command was successfully received by Starlight.
This change may take up to a minute to reflect on TeslaFi.
Unlock, Honk, Flash, Conditioning and Charge do nothing. Also no message. Car is online and everything works with Tesla App.

What browser are you using?  Do other controls work?

TeslaFi controls, it says nothing. Looks like nothing is sent and the page is refreshed after 1-2 seconds.

Under review

What does TeslaFi say when you try charging?  Are you referring to a TeslaFi schedule or the TeslaFi controls?

Firefox 56.0 (64-Bit) for Linux is working fine for me.

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