
Add button to enter sleep mode

berticus 5 years ago updated 3 years ago 4

Add a button on the main page to stop polling and try to put the vehicle into sleep mode.

This is particularly useful when going to work. After parking, I know I'm not going anywhere else, so I'd like to put the car to sleep right away instead of waiting for the idle period. 

Awesome! I finally got one of my feature requests implemented! ;) 

Thanks a lot!

This is awesome! A feature I was hoping Tesla would implement, and you did it first. Well done, thank you! :)


This has been added.  A button will appear next to the idle time in the header when the vehicle is idling and sentry mode is not enabled.

This is my number one request as well.  I leave all my sleep settings disabled and only enable sleep mode if my car is going to be sitting for a couple days (eg, like when I park at airport).  When my car is sleeping, there is a "Wake" icon on the "Show Live Controls" screen. It would be nice when my car is awake, if this icon changed to a "Sleep" icon to allow me to easily sleep (pause polling) with one click.  Or it could be an icon on the top center next to the icons for Drive Summary, Calendar View, Charging Summary, Show Controls.