
Can you control multiple vehicles with the Alexa skill?

DaveM410 6 years ago updated by TieFighter 1 year ago 3

Is it possible to control two separate vehicles with the Alexa skill?  I've set up two separate TeslaFi accounts (one for each vehicle), I've linked them in the TeslaFi settings, but when I attempt to ask a command of Alexa, it seems to only control vehicle #1 and I can not control vehicle #2.  Any tips or tricks?

Same Question. Or at least set it to the one you want! It would be nice if you could address this. In the meantime, I had to add a Tessie account with allows you to make Alexa routines that you can name the vehicle. I only have a two-week free test, I hope I do not need to switch.

I came here to post the same request.  I've got 2 TeslaFi accounts (one for each car) and would love to be able to control both from the Alexa skill.  

3 years later and it looks like this isn't provided for yet?  That kinda sucks...